Every Saturday you will be taken through a bunch of activities and games that look at Shakespeare, his slang, where it still shows up and why it’s still relevant today. Each session will take you through a range of activities to help you understand and decipher the Shakespearean tongue; you will look at;
Character – meeting a Shakespearean character for the first time and finding out more about them by bringing your imagination and experience to the front
Performance – discovering what types of performing creates a scene and a scene into a play. Exploring how we use our bodies and actions to tell a story!
Rhythm – learn the rhythms of iambic pentameter and the poetic bars that inspire rappers to this day and had the Elizabethans on the edge of their seats
Text – Breaking down old words and finding out what they mean to us, so that we can recreate our own versions and perform them in a way we understand.
Come and just have fun, don’t think too much and try out something new!
Every Saturday from May 20th - July 22nd
14-17 year olds: 3.45 - 5:15
18+: 5.45 - 7:15
In The Maya Angelou Room
